
CENTAURS International Horse Stunt Festival

On October 05-06, the Ancient Kyiv in the "Kyivan Rus" Principality invites everyone to enjoy a wonderful horse-trick art. "Centaurs" is a festival that unites the best horse stuntmen of Ukraine, who often and successfully represent our country in international competitions and participate in world show programs. To be sure, the festival will be enteresting for both kids and adults.

Kyivan Rus Park

Participants will demonstrate amazing tricks, including driving upside down, backwards, right on two horses, slipping under the horse, building "pyramids". And all this at full gallop! Arabesques, cliffs, pistols and French crosses - that's far from an incomplete list of dizzying tricks that can be seen at the Centaurs festival. During two days, the brave riders, adults and the youth will compete in the art of trick riding and driving in virtuoso teams. Come and enjoy the festival!