
Horseback archers show in Ancient Kyiv

On 19-20 October, Ancient Kyiv in the Principality of Kyivan Rus will host the Show of horseback archers "Rus Warriors". A rich program and also tasty dishes prepared on fire, different locations and amusements, museums and games – all of this and even more will make the weekend really thrilling for everybody!

Ancient Kyiv

The sportsmen-virtuosos from all over the country will come to the Principality in order to compete in the traditional (historical) bow shooting on horseback at full gallop. This is an extremely difficult task for the competition participants but, at the same time, a betting and thrilling sight for the viewers. The competition of horseback archers will pass in the main nomination and in the «Exotic» nomination, which foresees the hitting of four targets during one round.


Address: Ancient Kyiv in the Principality of Kyivan Rus, Kopachiv, Ukraine.