Posts tagged with "Wisdom tooth"

Dental care
Medicine · 04. September 2020
The wisdom tooth is the third molar tooth, which appears later than the other teeth, and sometimes does not erupt at all. A person cannot have more than 4 wisdom teeth. The approximate age when tthese teeth grow is 18 - 27 years. They are called so because they begin to erupt in the period from ages 18 to 30. Scientists consider them a rudimentary organ that does not carry any functional load when chewing food. Usually impacted wisdom teeth, which grow horizontally in the jaw, cause discomfort....

Dental treatment in Kiev
Medicine · 19. July 2020
The wisdom tooth is the third molar tooth at the back of the mouth. Wisdom teeth appear later in life, and sometimes they do not erupt at all. A person cannot have more than 4 wisdom teeth. The approximate time when wisdom teeth growing begins at the age from 18 to 27. Scientists consider them a rudimentary organ that does not carry any functional load when chewing food. Usually discomfort is caused by wisdom teeth, which grow horizontally in the jaw. They do not have enough space to erupt, and...