Travel Guide

Travel Guide · 08. July 2021
If you love traveling and have a free weekend, you definitely have to visit the most marvelous city in Ukraine called Lviv. This city, located in the western part of Ukraine, is known for its exquisite architecture, incredible atmosphere, and fabulous hospitality. So, what to see and do in Lviv? No doubt, you should visit the catacombs which were found underneath this amazing city, because only in such a way you will be able to realize how the gothic Lviv had looked like in the 16th century...

Travel and coronavirus
Travel Guide · 10. July 2020
The COVID-19 pandemic that spread all over the world has significantly affected human life and economics, in particular the tourism industry. As a result, most countries and regions have imposed travel restrictions to prevent the spread of coronavirus. Entry rules in response to Covid-19 are different in each country. That is important to be fully informed before travelling internationally.

Ice skating in Kiev
Travel Guide · 22. November 2019
Kyiv in winter is really magical. The twinkling lights of Christmas markets and decorated streets fill everyone with the holiday spirit. Hotels and pubs create a warm and homely atmosphere for travellers. You'll find that Christmas in the Ukraine’s capital has all things for the perfect festive break with a family.

Christmas in Kyiv
Travel Guide · 15. November 2019
Are you ready for Christmas? If not, you still have time for decorating the home and buying gifts. The Christmas break is the perfect time to visit family and friends, also travel abroad. However, deciding where to go can be really a challenge. Of course, it’s an ideal time to escape cold weather and enjoy lovely beaches in the Canary Islands or Thailand.

Travel Guide · 03. October 2019
Are you looking for new travel experiences? Welcome to Kyiv, Ukraine! To be sure, you’ll be astonished by its rich culture and ancient history. Ukraine’s capital has many attractions that are really worth a visit. Kyiv is also home to some of the most incredible historic monuments in the world. Let's look at the list of the most popular and unusual monuments of Kyiv.

St Michael's Golden-Domed Monastery
Travel Guide · 02. October 2019
St. Michael's Golden-Domed Monastery is one of the oldest monasteries in Kyiv. Actually, this is a reconstruction of the temple of Kyivan Rus times, destroyed by the Soviet authorities. The amazing sky-blue building with golden domes is located in the heart of Kyiv, not far from St. Sophia’s Cathedral. Nearby, there is a monument to Princess Olha, the funicular, as well as the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine. The first mention of it dates back to July 11, 1108 in the chronicle. The...

Funicular in Kyiv
Travel Guide · 01. October 2019
The funicular in Kyiv is an indispensable part of transportation systems of the city and a very popular attrac among Kyivans and guests of Ukraine’s capital. Every day, the funicular, despite its seemingly low speed (only 2 meters per second) manages to serve 15,000 passengers and approximately 3,000,000 people during the year.

Chasing Two Hares Monument
Travel Guide · 30. September 2019
The monument Chasing Two Hares is a popular monument dedicated to the famous movie characters. It is located near the St. Andrew's Church where one of the most famous scenes of the film took place. Chasing Two Hares (Ukrainian: Za dvoma zaytsiamy) is a Soviet comedy film directed by Viktor Ivanov based on the play by Mykhailo Starytsky. This Soviet movie filmed in 1961 is considered a symbol of Soviet and Ukrainian cinema of that time. The whole film is saturated with the Kyiv atmosphere,...

Bohdan Khmelnytsky Monument
Travel Guide · 30. September 2019
The monument to Hetman Bohdan Khmelnytsky, located in the heart of Kyiv, in front of St. Sophia’s Cathedral, is one of the most famous monuments of Ukraine’s capital. It was erected in honor of Hetman Bohdan Khmelnytsky, who entered the history of Ukraine as an outstanding commander and statesman. He was a true national hero who led the rebellion of the Ukrainian people against the Polish nobility and wanted to see Ukraine independent.

Motherland Monument in Kyiv
Travel Guide · 29. September 2019
The Motherland Monument is the highest monument in Kyiv. It is erected on one of Kyiv’s highest spots on the right bank of the Dnieper and can be observed from any part of the city. This is one of the most popular landmarks of Ukraine’s capital. The monument is part of the "National Museum of the History of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945", dedicated to Victory Day in World War II.

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